Performative Mediations
@ National Museum / Warsaw
As early as the late 1990s, Guy Cools wrote that choreography is “the art of translation,” indicating that it has a special function – it has the potential to “translate” a specific artistic identity into a universally understood body language. A cyclical project of the National Museum in Warsaw introduces corporeality and movement into the Museum’s space. It is a mediation of visual experience, customarily privileged in this space, and a proposal for a different paradigm of interacting with art through new ways of “embodied” experience and perception. Artists will confront selected works and/or museum spaces as part of several weeks of research residencies. The results of their work will be shared and will become a contribution to the discussion of the “translational” potential of choreography to broaden the reception of works from the MNW collection and reveal their topicality.
Curated in dialogue between
Zofia Machnicka / National Museum in Warsaw
& Joanna Leśnierowska / SFX
Marta Szymańska / National Museum in Warsaw