Adi Weinberg

If the bull won’t come

WOMAN. BEAST… The solo dance piece by Adi Weinberg is the story of a woman in transformation. Called out of her day-to-day life, she is propelled into an encounter she did not expect – with herself. As she comes into contact with her multiple parts, her many selves, she experiences the different elements that live harmoniously, destructively, and chaotically inside her. The Woman’s journey echoes that of another. Pasiphae was cursed twice: first into falling in love with a bull and having to consummate that love and, second, cursed to live in isolation with her unnatural son, the Minotaur, in the labyrinth. But curses, like stories, have a second side. All carry a blessing, if only you can hold on long enough. If The Bull Won’t Come is a compelling, powerful, and touching story of lives meeting, within one Woman.
dance, choreography: Adi Weinberg
Dramaturgy: Cat Gerrard
sound: Filipe Gomes
light: Joanna Leśnierowska
costume: Angharad Matthews
premiere November 19th 2022 at
FabrikPotsdam, Potsdam
pictures Joanna Leśnierowska 
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